COMS 250 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COMS 290 | Conflict and Communication | 3 |
COMS 300 | Strategic Organizational Leadership | 3 |
COMS 310 | Professional Presentations and Speech Writing | 3 |
COMS 330 | Argumentation and Persuasion | 3 |
COMS 333 | Social Media and Community | 3 |
COMS 340 | Event Planning and Public Relations | 3 |
COMS 350 | Communication, Culture and Diversity | 3 |
COMS 370 | Communication and Health | 3 |
COMS 382 | Public Relations Principles | 3 |
COMS 405 | Communication Issue Management | 3 |
COMS 482 | Public Relations Campaigns | 3 |
CRIM 250 | Introduction to the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM 317 | Police Culture | 3 |
CRIM 385 | Contemporary Legal Issues in the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM 388 | Sociology of Punishment | 3 |
CRIM 404 | Crime and Justice Policies | 3 |
CVM 492 | Media Law and Ethics | 3 |
ECON 101 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
ECON 102 | Economic History of the U.S. | 3 |
ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 202 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ENG 390 | Professional Writing | 3 |
GEO 345 | Global Environmental Sustainability | 3 |
GEO 349 | Mapping Social Life | 3 |
GEO 351 | GIS 2 | 3 |
GEO 405 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 |
GEO 455 | GIS Applications | 3 |
GST 273 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 3 |
GST 333 | Women and Partner Violence | 3 |
GST 335 | Families in Modern Society | 3 |
GST 350 | Sex and Gender | 3 |
HST 261 | American History since 1865 | 3 |
HST 306 | America 1939 to Present | 3 |
HST 344 | African American History | 3 |
HST 345 | Women in American History | 3 |
HST 352 | History of Appalachia | 3 |
HST 353 | History of Kentucky | 3 |
HST 356 | Struggles for Reform in America | 3 |
HST 357 | United States Urban History | 3 |
IST 345 | Global Health | 3 |
IST 346 | Global Environmental Sustainability | 3 |
IST 350 | Communication, Culture and Diversity | 3 |
LGS 200 | Law and Individual Rights | 3 |
LGS 210 | Introduction to Law and Ethics | 3 |
LGS 355 | Administrative Law | 3 |
LGS 370 | History of American Law | 3 |
MNGT 201 | Principles of Management | 3 |
NURS 345 | Global Health | 3 |
NURS 361 | Leadership for the Health Care Professional | 3 |
NURS 430 | Health Disparities | 3 |
PHIL 103 | Beginning Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 303 | Ethics | 3 |
POLS 242 | State and Local Government | 3 |
POLS 314 | American Political Thought | 3 |
POLS 322 | Courts and Civil Liberties | 3 |
POLS 324 | Environmental Law and Policy | 3 |
POLS 325 | Federalism and the Constitution | 3 |
POLS 328 | Law, Government and Privacy in the Internet Age | 3 |
POLS 329 | Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics | 3 |
POLS 342 | The American Presidency | 3 |
POLS 343 | Political Parties and Elections | 3 |
POLS 344 | Kentucky Government | 3 |
POLS 345 | Congress and the Federal Bureaucracy | 3 |
POLS 350 | Political Behavior | 3 |
POLS 353 | Public Personnel Administration | 3 |
POLS 354 | African-American Politics | 3 |
POLS 355 | Women and Politics | 3 |
POLS 381 | Evolution of the U.S. Intelligence Community | 3 |
POLS 382 | Intelligence Process | 3 |
POLS 383 | Counterintelligence | 3 |
POLS 384 | Intelligence Analysis | 3 |
POLS 385 | Terrorism and Political Violence | 3 |
POLS 386 | Comparative Counterterrorism | 3 |
POLS 387 | National Security Strategy | 3 |
POLS 498 | Local, State, National and International Government Internship | 3-15 |
PSY 353 | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | 3 |
SOC 300 | Class, Power, and Privilege | 3 |
SOC 323 | Urban Sociology | 3 |
SOC 354 | Individual and Society | 3 |
SOC 426 | Communities | 3 |
SOC 456 | Organizations in Contemporary Society | 3 |
SOC 459 | Social Change in Appalachia | 3 |
SOC 461 | Sociology of the Law | 3 |
SWK 340/GST 340 | Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illness | 3 |
SWK 365 | Grant Development | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 6 |