TEP Admission Requirements

Any student applying to the TEP must first be admitted to the University. Failure to apply at the sophomore level may result in an extended program. 

Transfer students who were admitted to the TEP at another Kentucky institution may submit evidence of their admission to the TEP coordinator immediately upon admission to MSU. Transfer students must meet all other criteria for admission as listed. 

To gain admission to the program, the applicant must schedule an advising session with their assigned College of Education advisor to review eligibility requirements. After the advising session, the applicant may submit the electronic application for official review by the TEP Coordinator. Once the TEP Coordinator screens these items, students are required to complete an orientation with the TEP Coordinator. The Coordinator will make a recommendation to the Teacher Education Council about the TEP admission.

Transfer of appropriate education courses from another institution is contingent upon successful completion of required field experiences in the public schools and clinical experiences on campus. Documentation is required. The appropriate department in the College of Education shall approve substitution of education courses. No transfer grades below "C" are accepted in the IECE, early elementary, middle grades, or special education programs.

Education courses completed more than five years prior to readmission or initial admission in a provisional certification program shall be reviewed for program needs or deficiencies. The appropriate department in the College of Education shall conduct the review.

Retention in the TEP is dependent upon maintaining admission requirements. Any student whose admission is deferred or suspended may reapply for admission once each semester.

Program Requirements

  1. Admission to MSU with an assigned academic advisor.
  2. Pursuance of program completion leading to teacher certification.
  3. Completion of at least 30 credit hours.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale; or a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last thirty (30) credit hours. All college courses attempted must be a part of the applicant's MSU transcript. Transcripts must reflect all transfer coursework completed to date. All transfer courses, as well as MSU credit, are used in calculating the GPA.
  5. Completion of the following five core courses with grades of “C” or better:
    1. ENG 100 – Writing I
    2. Mathematics General Education Requirement, as required by program
    3. COMS 108 – Fundamentals of Speech Communication
    4. EDF 207 – Foundations of Education (CTE and Agriculture Teaching candidates may substitute CTE 207) or UTCH 100 (MSUTeach programs)
    5. EDF 211 – Human Growth and development (IECE candidates may substitute EDEC 253) or UTCH 150 (MSUTeach programs)

TEP Testing Requirements

TEP candidates must obtain the following scores on the ACT exam:

  • Composite score of 22 or the corresponding minimum scores: Reading (20), English (18), and mathematics (19),

OR, the following scores on the Praxis I Core Skills for Educators exam:

  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined 5752 Computer OR
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics 5733 Computer (Minimum score 150) and
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 5713 Computer (Minimum score 156) and
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 5723 Computer (Minimum score 162)

An applicant may use a combination of ACT and Praxis I minimum scores to meet testing requirements. If an applicant is within five points of one or more of the corresponding minimum scores of the Praxis I assessments, the candidate may be admitted if the candidate has a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. For information about the Praxis exams and to register for the test, please visit the Praxis website at www.ets.org/praxis.

Please see your academic advisor for assistance with testing requirements.

TEP Courses

The following courses require TEP admission prior to enrollment.

See list below:

ART 301Field Experience in Art Education*


ART 321Materials and Methods for Secondary Art*


BIS 499CMethods of Teaching Business and Information Technology Education*


CTE 392Methods of Instructional Technology*


CTE 470Methods of Instruction*


CTE 478Student Teaching Practicum*


EDEE 321Teaching Math in Early Elementary Grades*


EDEE 322Teaching Social Studies in Early Elementary Grades*


EDEE 323Language Arts for Early Elementary*


EDEE 331Reading for Early Elementary Teachers*


EDEE 423Supervised Student Teaching Practicum*


EDF 311Learning Theories, Assessment and Diversity*


EDEM 499CSeminar in Effective Teaching*


EDMG 332Teaching Reading in the Middle Grades Content Areas*


EDMG 341Teaching Math in Middle Grades*


EDMG 342Teaching Social Studies in Middle Grades*


EDMG 343Teaching Language Arts in Middle Grades*


EDMG 446Supervised Student Teaching*


EDSE 312Educational Methods and Technology*


EDSE 416Clinical Practice*


EDSE 483Classroom Organization and Management for Secondary Teachers*


EDSP 365Including Students with Diverse Needs in the Classroom*


EDSP 373Curriculum for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 374Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 375Practicum in Education of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 435Supervised Teaching Practicum*


EDSP 437Student Teaching Practicum in Education of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities*


EDSP 353Language Arts Teaching LBD*


EDSP 355Teaching Students with LBD*


EDSP 357Math and Content Teaching LBD*


EDSP 359Practicum in Teaching for Students with LBD*


EDUC 476Content Area Literacy*


EDUC 482Classroom Management and Assessment*


ENG 400Studies in English for Teachers*


EDSE 451Curriculum and Instruction for Social Studies*


EDSE 499DTeaching Social Studies*


IECE 301At-Risk Infants and Toddlers*


IECE 345Preschoolers with Special Needs*


IECE 416Infant/Toddler Program Planning*


IECE 418Preschool Program Planning*


IECE 425Clinical Practice: Infants and Toddlers and Preschool for 3-5 year olds*


SCI 490Science for the Elementary Teacher*


SCI 491Science for the Middle School Teacher*


UTCH 300Classroom Interactions*


UTCH 410Project-Based Instruction*