Advanced Educational Leadership – Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

  1. General admission to graduate study (for criteria, refer to "Admission to Graduate Study").
  2. Resume or vita (3 page maximum) documenting professional/leadership or education technology, instructional design, and training experience.
  3. A written statement providing documentation of the candidate's skills and understanding in the following areas:
    1. ability to improve student achievement;
    2. leadership; and
    3. advanced knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
  4. A Rank II. A Rank III is allowed for individuals to seek the master's degree and school principal certification only (all other admission requirements must be met).
  5. A valid teaching certificate with the completion of at least three (3) years of full-time, documented teaching experience in a public or nonpublic school that meets the state performance standards as established in KRS 156.160 or which has been accredited by a regional or national accrediting association.
  6. Must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA on all previous graduate work completed.

Program Competencies

Students will:

  1. Create, facilitate, and support an effective learning environment, including the mentoring of instructional staff and other educational partners.
  2. Analyze, interpret, and use standardized achievement test results, the function of measurement in education, and the use of data for achievement-related decision-making to monitor,
  3. Develop and implement strategies to attract, select, develop, evaluate, and retain competent faculty and staff at the P-12 level.
  4. Envision, empower, equip, and support the creation of a school culture that is centered on effective learning communities.
  5. Guide, facilitate, and support curriculum, instruction, and assessment through the creation and maintaining of a learning environment that promotes student achievement.
  6. Apply and utilize legal and ethical issues related to school administration, teaching, and support services provided at the P-12 level.
  7. Demonstrate and implement plans to effectively and efficiently use fiscal, time, and technology resources available within the P-12 setting.
  8. Apply strategies to leverage community systems and resources to improve educational opportunities for students and their families in the P-12 environment.

Program Completion

  1. Candidates must successfully complete a capstone project as part of EDIL 672 in a venue approved by their instructor. The capstone project may include a research project, a presentation before a panel of educators, a presentation as a part of an educational conference, or professional development the candidate has written and planned. The capstone project may also include a publication in a peer reviewed professional journal.
  2. Must be unconditionally admitted.
  3. Candidates must file for completion at the beginning of their last semester. Applications for completion are available online in the self-service area of
  4. Candidates must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  5. Submit a professional portfolio scored as successful according to the established scoring rubric.

(Note: In order to receive certification, a candidate must successfully complete the assessment(s) required by regulation.)

Program Requirements

AEL Core - Level 1 Certification

EDIL 671Leading, Teaching and Learning


EDIL 672Inquiry and Student Achievement


EDIL 673Human Resource Selection and Development


EDIL 674Developing and Maintaining a Positive School Culture


EDIL 675School Program Improvement


EDIL 677School Law and Diverse Learners


EDIL 678Resource Utilization


EDIL 679Linking Schools with the Community and External Resources


Total Credit Hours:24

Level 2 Certification

Select one area for completion of the degree.

Director of Pupil Personnel

EDIL 698Seminar for Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services


EDGC 665Philosophy and Practice of School Counseling


EDSP 630Universal Design for Learning


Total Credit Hours:9


EDIL 635Understanding Professional Responsibilities of Teacher Leaders


EDIL 636Mentoring for Improved Results


EDIL 638Designing and Implementing Professional Development


Total Credit Hours:9

Supervisor of Instruction

EDSP 630Universal Design for Learning


EDEL 627Reading in the Elementary School



EDEL 677Literacy in the Content Areas


EDIL 638Designing and Implementing Professional Development


Total Credit Hours:9

Total Credit Hours: 33