Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Track – Bachelor of Business Administration

Program Competencies

Upon successful completion of the program, the student should be able to:

  1. Understand the essential requirements for the successful planning of a new venture and be aware of the issues involved in initiating a new venture.
  2. Understand how to create, find, control and use necessary resources to build a growth-oriented venture by improving a student's ability to analyze, articulate, present and defend chosen entrepreneurial activities recognizing that no one course of action is necessarily correct or the best.
  3. Develop skills associated with innovative management in entrepreneurial environments where uncertainty and lack of information and resources are typical.
  4. Intelligently evaluate potential start-up opportunities for personal involvement.
  5. Fully understand the major components of full-cycle development of an idea into a successful enterprise.
  6. Understand the components and processes involved in developing a business plan (including marketing and financial plans).
  7. Identify and understand the various technical formalities associated with the actual starting of a new business, such as obtaining permits, registering business names with government agencies, filing a corporate charter and securing trademarks for important company identification marks.
  8. Develop a projected profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement for a small or new business.

Assessment Procedures

Comprehensive Marketing Exit Exam

Comprehensive Marketing Case Analysis

In addition to the track courses listed below, the general education, BBA qualifying courses, prerequisite courses, upper division and free electives must be completed. The track in SBME is composed of 27 credit hours of specialized courses in SBME.

Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Track Requirements

General Education

General Education courses


Total Credit Hours:36

Business Qualifying and Prerequisite Courses

Business Qualifying and Prerequisite Courses


Total Credit Hours:24

Upper Core BBA Requirements

Upper Core BBA Requirements


Total Credit Hours:27

Track Requirements

MNGT 310Small Business Organization


MNGT 311Human Resource Management


MKT 345Marketing Strategies for Small Business


FIN 365Financial Issues for Small Business


MNGT 420New Venture Creations


Approved Small Bus Mgnt and Entrepren. Electives


Total Credit Hours:27

Approved Electives for the SBME

CIS 320Web Technologies & Design


FIN 370Working Capital Management



MNGT 339Cooperative Education III



MNGT 439Cooperative Education IV



MNGT 476Special Problems in Management


MKT 340E-Marketing and Social Networking


REAL 105Real Estate Principles


International Business Course


International Business Course: (chosen from MNGT 409, MKT 469, ECON 447, FIN 485)

Free Electives

Free Electives


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 120