Industrial Education Area (Occupation-Based Career & Technical Education Track) – Bachelor of Science

TEP Admission Requirements

Students seeking teacher certification must apply for and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Additionally, to enroll in the clinical practice and meet state certification requirements, students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 overall (in all course work), as well as in professional education courses, with no grade lower than a "C" in professional education courses.

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) require admission to the Teacher Education Program.

Program Requirements

  1. Admission to MSU with an assigned academic advisor.
  2. Pursuance of program completion leading to teacher certification.
  3. Completion of at least 30 credit hours.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale; or a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last thirty (30) credit hours. All college courses attempted must be a part of the applicant's MSU transcript. Transcripts must reflect all transfer coursework completed to date. All transfer courses, as well as MSU credit, are used in calculating the GPA.
  5. Completion of the following five core courses with grades of “C” or better:
    1. ENG 100 – Writing I
    2. Mathematics General Education Requirement, as required by program
    3. COMS 108 – Fundamentals of Speech Communication
    4. EDF 207 – Foundations of Education (CTE and Agriculture Teaching candidates may substitute CTE 207) or UTCH 100 (MSUTeach programs)
    5. EDF 211 – Human Growth and Development (IECE candidates may substitute EDEC 253) or UTCH 150 (MSUTeach programs)

Testing Requirements

TEP candidates must obtain the following scores on the ACT exam:

  • Composite score of 22 or the corresponding minimum scores: Reading (20), English (18), and Mathematics (19),

OR, the following scores on the Praxis I Core Skills for Educators exam:

  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined 5752 Computer OR
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics 5733 Computer (Minimum score 150) and
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 5713 Computer (Minimum score 156) and
  • Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 5723 Computer (Minimum score 162)

An applicant may use a combination of ACT and Praxis I minimum scores to meet testing requirements. If an applicant is within five points of one or more of the corresponding minimum scores of the Praxis I assessments, the candidate may be admitted if the candidate has a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. For information about the Praxis exams and to register for the test, please visit the Praxis website at

Program Competencies

Upon completion of the program, the new teacher (student) will be able to:

  1. Teach technical courses in one of the following areas: construction, engineering and technology education, health science education, information technology education, manufacturing technology, media arts or transportation education.
  2. Demonstrate competence in Kentucky's teacher standards.
  3. Apply teacher standards in 5-12 engineering and technology education or secondary or postsecondary occupation-based programs.


  1. Student maintaining teacher certification.
  2. Yearly evaluation of occupation-based teacher turn over in the service area. Program faculty will perform the evaluation.

Occupation-based Career and Technical Education: Technical Track 2

Students are required to obtain a grade of "C" in all technical courses.

General Education

General Education Courses(See GNED Course Listings)


MATH 152 or higher(choose one)


Total Credit Hours:33

Refer to the General Education section for a complete listing of general education requirements for the University. Program requirements that are also general education requirements will count in both places (as applicable).

Area Requirements

Area Core Requirements

ECC 101Introduction to Construction Engineering


EEC 141Fundamentals of Electric Circuits


EMM 103Engineering Drawing


ETM 110Fundamentals of Computer Technology


ETM 120Fundamentals of Engineering


ETM 300Technology and Society


ETM 317Systems Modeling and Simulation


ETM 319Quality and Reliability Engineering


ETM 320Project Management


ETM 327Organizational Management for Engineers


ETM 330Engineering Design


ETM 419Quality Management Systems


ETM 422Industrial Safety Standards and Enforcement


ETM 499CSenior Capstone Design Thesis


MATH 353Statistics


Total Credit Hours:45

Technical Track 2 Requirements

CTE 381Related Science, Mathematics and Technology in Occupations


CTE 382Manipulative Skills in Occupations


CTE 383Knowledge of Related Subjects in Occupations


Total Credit Hours:18

Technical Track 2 Electives

Choose one of the following:

CTE 395Special Problems in Career and Technical Education


ETM 339Cooperative Education I


ETM 398Supervised Work Experience


ETM 399Special Class


ETM 439Cooperative Education II


ETM 476Special Problems


Total Credit Hours:1

Professional Education

CTE 207Foundations of Career and Technical Education


CTE 372Technical Media Development


CTE 388Methods of Curriculum Development*


CTE 393Methods of Career and Technical Education


CTE 394Practicum in Career and Technical Education


CTE 396Evaluation in CTE


EDUC 476Content Area Literacy*


Total Credit Hours:26

CTE 394 is usually taken for four hours at the associate level and taken for an additional four hours at the bachelor's level. If the student is only working on the bachelor's degree, CTE 394 must be taken for eight hours to complete necessary requirements.

Total Credit Hours: 123