General Music Requirements and Advisories

Recital Attendance

Attending concerts and recitals is an essential ingredient of a professional musician's training. Attending live performances ensures that all music majors and minors are exposed to a large and varied body of music and provides opportunities to enhance musical learning. Therefore, students are expected to attend concerts and recitals presented on campus as part of the overall study of music at MSU. Each faculty member who teaches private applied music has a grading policy that reflects this attitude and has established expectations for recital attendance. In addition, music students are required to complete MUSM 200/MUSM 400 Student Recital for the prescribed number of semesters with a passing grade (MUSM 200/MUSM 400 is a pass-fail course). Regular attendance at the student recital hour is expected of all music students. The chair of the department maintains attendance records and issues grades.

Piano Proficiency

All candidates for the Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts degree with principal applied areas other than keyboard instruments are required to complete the four-semester sequence of class piano (MUSG 123, MUSG 124, MUSG 223, MUSG 224). Non-keyboard major students with previous keyboard experience may qualify for advanced placement in the class piano sequence. Exemption from the class piano sequence requires successful completion of the Piano Proficiency Examination. All students being exempted from one or more levels of class piano will be required to go to the Testing Center to register for credit by examination in order to receive "K" credit on their transcripts for all courses in the sequence for which they are recommended to be exempted. Credit by examination for courses in the class piano sequences must be validated by the faculty and processed through the Music, Theatre, and Dance Department, the Testing Center and the Office of the Registrar. Students will not be allowed to substitute other courses or private applied piano lessons for courses in the class piano sequence.


All students are required to enroll each semester in residence in the ensemble course appropriate to the chosen program of study, results of a placement audition, private applied instrument area and class standing. Students who are in residence for more than four full academic years are encouraged to enroll for additional appropriate ensemble credit hours beyond those listed in the program requirements. These ensemble enrollment requirements are considered the minimum for music majors; all music students are encouraged to participate in additional large and small ensembles, including chamber and jazz ensembles, in order to receive a more extensive performance experience and professional preparation.

Private Applied Music

Music majors and minors are required to designate a principal area of private applied music study and enroll each semester in residence for credit in this area as required by the program of study. Students who are in residence for more than four full academic years are encouraged to enroll for additional credit hours beyond those listed in the program requirements. Credit may also be earned in secondary applied areas with permission of the instructor. Private applied in principal instrument requires a performance examination before a jury of faculty members in their principal applied area at the end of each semester, except as excused by the private applied instructor after recital appearances. In addition, music major and minor students must register for MUSP 200/MUSP 400 — Performance Class concurrently with private applied lessons in the principal applied area. Performance class receives no credit and is graded pass/fail, but attendance and performance in this course may affect the student's grade in private applied lessons.

Credit hours for private applied music are variable. Normally, students enroll for two to three hours of credit depending on the requirements of the degree program. Students studying a secondary applied instrument normally enroll for one credit hour. Students are expected to practice at least one-hour per day for each credit hour earned in private applied lessons.

One credit hour (MUSP 1XX and 3XX) is intended for non-major on that instrument. A 25-minute lesson per week for the entire semester implies one hour of personal practice per day by the student. Probationary music students register for this level and credit hours earned in MUSP 1XX does not apply toward music major degree requirements. Probationary music students may be required by their instructor to register concurrently for MUSP 200 Performance Class.

Two credit hours (MUSP 2XX, 4XX) - Major on that instrument only. A 50-minute lesson per week for the entire semester, implies two hours of personal practice per day by the student. Concurrent enrollment in MUSP 200/400 required.

Three credit hours (MUSP 2XX, 4XX) - Major on that instrument only. A 50-minute lesson per week for the entire semester, implies three hours of personal practice per day by the student. Concurrent enrollment in MUSP 200/400 required.

Four credit hours (MUSP 2XX, 4XX) - Major on that instrument only. A 50-minute lesson per week for the entire semester, implies four hours of personal practice per day by the student. Concurrent enrollment in MUSP 200/400 required.

Degree Recitals and Hearings - Senior Project

Students seeking the Bachelor of Music Education or Bachelor of Music degrees must complete the senior recital on their principal performing instrument. Successful completion of the senior recital satisfies the integrative component in the general education curriculum as the capstone course for the degree. Music Education majors complete MUSP 499C — Senior Recital, a three credit hour course that requires a formal recital with an accompanying research paper and oral presentation covering the works and composers to be performed. Students in the Bachelor of Music program complete MUSP 360 — Junior Recital, a two credit hour course that requires a formal recital, and MUSP 499C — Senior Recital, a three credit hour course that requires a formal recital. The senior recital also requires an accompanying research paper and oral presentation covering the works and composers to be performed. Prior to scheduling a recital, the proposed program must be presented for approval by a committee of applied faculty. Students receive approval by successfully completing a recital hearing. The recital hearing forms signed by the appropriate faculty must be filed in the student's files in the department's office. The Senior Project course, MUSW 499C, is an option for music BA students only. This course involves a performance component as well as a component involving the student’s academic interests. This project is required to have writing and presentation activities. The performance and academic components can be related. The project is to be developed by the student and his/her private applied teacher. The appropriate performance area faculty must sign the senior project approval form. This form and attached proposal narrative must be filed in the student’s file in the department office. A copy of the accompanying paper/presentation media must also be filed in the student’s files in the department's office.

Note: Recital hearing form and senior project approval form must be submitted with any performance program (in electronic format) to the department's office no later than two weeks prior to the performance. If this information is not received by this time, the performance will be cancelled from the calendar.

Upper and Lower Division Enrollment

Lower division (100- and 200-level) performance class, student recital and private applied are appropriate for students with freshman and sophomore standing. Upper division (300- and 400-level) performance class, student recital and private applied lessons are appropriate for students with junior or senior standing. A 100-level private applied is designated for non-majors or students admitted as probationary music students. A 300-level private applied is designated for music majors wishing private study on a secondary instrument. All undergraduate students, freshman through senior standing, register for 300-level ensembles.

Upper Division Assessment

Music majors and minors must successfully complete the applied music upper division assessment before enrolling in 400-level private applied courses. The upper division assessment includes an academic component and a performance component. To complete the academic component, students must successfully pass MUSG 124, MUST 233, MUST 236, four semesters each of MUSP 200 and MUSM 200 with a passing grade of "K," either MUSH 171 or MUSH 267, MUSE 207 (BME majors only), and eight credits of 200-level private applied in principal instrument with a grade of "C" or better (BME and BA in Music majors only), or 12 credits of 200-level private applied in principal instrument with a grade of "C" or better (BM majors only). To complete the performance component, students must meet the criteria set for their primary applied area during their end of semester jury performances. The upper division assessment form in the student’s principal performance area must be signed by the appropriate faculty and filed in the department's office.

General Education

All undergraduate students must complete a required core of general education courses. Please refer to the general education catalog section for a detailed listing of the 33 credit hours of general education courses common to all baccalaureate programs. Certain requirements in the major programs are met through requirements in the general education course work.

Refer to the General Education section for a complete listing of general education requirements for the University.