
Tuition, housing, and course fees may be credited to students who withdraw during certain time periods, following the start of each term. Meal plan and minimum dining club accounts may be credited in accordance with the percentages listed below or the actual account balance, whichever is smaller. All other fees are non-refundable.

Refund Periods and Amounts

Fall or Spring Semesters Refund Percentages

First six days of classes         100%

Next five days of classes        75%

Next five days of classes        50%

Next five days of classes        25%

No credits are given after the first 21 days of classes.

Maymester, Summer I, II and Winter Sessions 

First two days of classes        100%

Next two days of classes        75%

Next two days of classes        50%

Next two days of classes        25%

No credits are given after the first eight class days of the session.

Summer and Nine-Week Sessions

First four days of classes       100%

Next two days of classes        75%

Next two days of classes        50%

Next two days of classes        25%

No credits are given after the first 10 class days of the session.

Refund Checks

A refund will be provided to you when payments (including financial aid, scholarships, and other outside sources of assistance) exceed your total charges. Students may choose to have their refunds direct deposited to the bank account of their choice. Direct deposit is strongly encouraged for student convenience. 

To set up direct deposit:

  1. Login to MyMoreheadState.
  2. Select the "Self-Service" link.
  3. Select "Bank Information" and "Add an Account."
  4. Select "Activate" by the "Refund, Reimbursement & Payment Deposit" option.
  5. Select "Next."
  6. Enter your bank information.
  7. Agree to the terms and conditions and submit.

Refund checks will be direct deposited three to four weeks after classes begin. If direct deposit is not set up, checks will be mailed to your permanent home address. Due to federal regulations, direct loan funds cannot be disbursed until 30 days after the first day of classes for first-time, first-year borrowers of a Federal Direct Loan.