
There is no specific on-campus housing designated for graduate students.  Graduate students who desire to reside in general University housing may complete an application online. All housing arrangements should be made in advance of the term the student expects to begin graduate study, and in order for maximum availability, the application should be submitted as early as possible. To obtain a housing assignment as a graduate student, please apply online and then contact our office via email so that we can work with you to find a space to meet your needs. Part-time students must receive special permission from the Office of Student Housing to reside in University housing. Students needing living accommodations during University breaks must reside in designated break housing.

For further housing related information please visit www.moreheadstate.edu/housing or contact the Office of Student Housing via e-mail (housing@moreheadstate.edu) or via telephone (606-783-2060).

Vehicle Registration

A valid Morehead State University parking permit is required for any motor vehicle or motorcycle operated on the campus. Registration and fee information is available from the Traffic Office of the MSU Police Department, Education Services Building, 606-783-2220 or at www.moreheadstate.edu/police.