Academic Honesty Policy

Morehead State University defines academic honesty as doing one's own work, giving credit for the work of others, and using resources appropriately. Academic misconduct (i.e. academic dishonesty) occurs when a student intentionally assists or participates in cheating, plagiarism, and/or other forms of fraudulent misrepresentation of academic work.

  • Cheating is the act, attempted act, or collusion to fraudulently submit academic work for a grade. It is a deception that may include (but is not limited to) using unauthorized sources of information during assessments ( e.g., assignments, quizzes, examinations, etc.), possessing or distributing quizzes or examinations to others without permission, using work previously submitted for another course without instructor permission, using another person's academic work as your own, providing and/or receiving information during an assessment, falsifying experimental or laboratory data or information, having another person do your academic work or examination, providing false information in order to postpone or avoid academic work, or unauthorized collaboration with others on academic work. In an online or virtual environment, cheating also may include (but is not limited to) looking away from the screen or going off camera during an assessment, failing to conduct a full-room or workspace scan during an assessment if required, communicating with others during an assessment, using unauthorized materials or devices during an assessment, or falsifying one's identity or using fake identification documents (e.g. ID card) in a class or during an assessment, etc.
  • Plagiarism is the submission of academic work, misrepresented as a student's own, that is taken from another source without credit or the appropriate attribution to the other source. Such work may include words and written work, facts and ideas that are not common knowledge, data and information, or creative works.
  • Instructors may provide additional guidance about expectations for academic honesty in particular courses. Students should confer with instructors when in doubt about such expectations.

All students at Morehead State University are expected to abide by the standards of academic honesty. All allegations of academic misconduct will be adjudicated through the procedure described in UAR 145 found at