Education Abroad Programs

Morehead State University offers students a variety of education abroad opportunities in various countries around the world. The majority of these programs grant academic credit upon successful completion of the program. For any education abroad program that awards academic credit, students may apply for any student loans or grants for which they would normally be eligible.

As a member of the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad consortium, the University is able to send faculty and students to English-speaking countries such as England, Scotland, Ireland, Ghana, Australia, Jamaica, Belize and India for educational offerings in a variety of subject areas. Programs are scheduled during the December/January interim, summer sessions, or the spring semester. Internships are also available. Students can earn from three to six credit hours depending on the length of the program in which they are enrolled.

MSU is a participant in the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, a consortium allowing University faculty and students to travel to study centers around the world, including such countries as France, Austria, Italy, Greece, Spain, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, Japan, Mexico and Turkey. Courses are offered during the summer sessions and focus on languages, the humanities, social sciences, business, education and environmental sciences. Full semester programs are also available in Germany, France, Mexico and Spain.

For additional information on education abroad opportunities, visit or email