Computer Science

The Computer Science program aspires to be a leading, nationally recognized, high-quality program to prepare graduates for a dynamic workforce and advanced professional studies. Our mission focuses on preparing graduates who have a firm understanding of the fundamentals of computer science and who have strong problem-solving skills to solve new problems by devising and implementing solutions and are prepared to pursue 21st Century careers in the diverse fields of computer science, and be able to pursue the graduate study in computer science at the graduate level.

The Computer Science program aims to produce graduate who will:

  1. Have a firm and competitive foundation in computer science.
  2. Be able to function as productive members and leaders of software development teams or in any other computer science related capacity.
  3. Pursue life-long learning, continue to grow professionally, and be qualified to enter graduate studies in computer science.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding and awareness of societal and ethical issues in computing.