Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is designed to provide candidates, who have attained a bachelor's degree, the opportunity to achieve certification and a master's degree while employed via Temporary Provisional Certification. The curriculum is rigorous and intentionally designed to address state and national standards, with the major focus being that of providing quality teachers to fill posted vacancies in Kentucky public/private schools. Instruction, mentoring and coaching are emphasized in all programs as key to assisting candidates with professional growth.

Students employed via Temporary Provisional Certification whose employment is terminated by the employing district for cause may be suspended from the program until the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) rules on the district's allegation(s). Following EPSB's decision, the student may either be suspended from or reinstated in the MAT program.

The MAT program requires completion of a two-semester practicum. The fall practicum will include 200 hours of field experience in a variety of P-12 school settings. The spring practicum will include a minimum of 70 full days in school settings that correspond to grade level and content areas of certification.