Teacher Leader Fifth Year

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants must have fulfilled the requirements below BEFORE admission to the program and registering for their first course.

  1. General admission to graduate study (for criteria, refer to "Admission to Graduate Study").
  2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on the baccalaureate degree awarding final transcript or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on the master's degree awarding final transcript for those who have completed a previous master's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education is required.
  3. A valid teaching certificate or statement of eligibility.

Program Competencies

The following list includes the student competencies for the Teacher Leader program and the course(s) in which each competency is discussed (D) and/or contains a key assessment (KA). 

  1. Fosters a collaborative culture to support educator development and student learning [EDTL 604 (KA), EDTL 605 (D)].
  2. Accesses and uses research to improve practice and student learning [EDTL 601 (D), EDTL 602 (D), EDTL 603 (KA), EDTL 605 (D), EDTL 606 (D)].
  3. Promotes professional learning for continuous improvement [EDTL 601 (D), EDTL 603 (D)].
  4. Facilitates improvements in instruction and student learning [EDTL 603 (D), EDTL 605 (KA)].
  5. Promotes the use of assessments and data for school and district improvement [EDTL 603 (KA), EDTL 604 (D), EDTL 605 (D)].
  6. Improves outreach and collaboration with families and community [EDTL 602 (KA), EDTL 604 (D)].
  7. Advocates for student learning and the profession [EDTL 602 (D), EDTL 604 (D), EDTL 605 (D), EDTL 606 (KA)].


Each student in the Teacher Leader Fifth-Year program is required to successfully complete a portfolio. The portfolio will be a culmination of teacher leadership skills that were designed to improve student learning. To that end, students will be involved in activities and projects throughout the Teacher Leader Fifth-Year program that cause them to critically examine current practices and suggest continuation of the practices or develop strategies for improvement. Each portfolio will be submitted to the student's advisor through Taskstream. The portfolio will contain the following components: a table of contents, a letter to the reviewer, the critical performance for each of the required core courses, and two projects and/or papers completed within the professional education and/or academic support courses. Graduate-level grammar, writing, and APA formatting for in-text citations and reference lists are expected.

Portfolio Requirements

  1. Submitted through Taskstream.
  2. Graduate-level grammar and writing.
  3. Appropriate APA formatting for in-text citations and reference list.
  4. Table of Contents.
  5. Letter to the Reviewer (includes a portfolio overview, a reflection synthesizing program competencies, and a statement about how the program will impact his/her teaching and/or leadership in the schools). Students should contact their advisor for more specific information.
  6. Teacher Leader Fifth-Year Core 
    1. EDTL 601: Instructional Question Project
    2. EDTL 602: Critical Analysis of a Local School Decision or Philosophy of Education Statement
    3. EDTL 603: Explanation (including strengths and weaknesses) of the Research Designs Used in Education
    4. EDTL 604: Collaboration Project
    5. EDTL 605: Development Case Study of Students or Policy Analysis
    6. EDTL 606: Action Proposal for Change Based on Curricular Need
  7. Professional Education or Academic Support Courses
    1. Any approved course: A project or paper from the course
    2. Any approved course: A project or paper from the course

Maintaining Enrollment

After completion of 12 hours, students must have attained at least a 3.0 cumulative program GPA. Students falling below a 3.0 cumulative program GPA may take no more than an additional six hours. If after completing an additional six hours, the cumulative program GPA is below 3.0, the student will be dropped from the program.

Requirements for the Certificate

  1. Satisfy general certificate requirements.
  2. The student must apply for program completion at the beginning of the term in which he/she anticipates completion. The completion form can be accessed online at www.moreheadstate.edu/nondegree.
  3. Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA after completing the bachelor's degree. Students must successfully complete a portfolio (see description in the section above).

Program Requirements

Teacher Leader Core

EDTL 601Leadership and Decision Making


EDTL 602Education in Context


EDTL 603Research and Teacher Leader


EDTL 604Collaboration for Teachers


EDTL 605Developmental Analysis of Learning


EDTL 606Curriculum and Instructional Design


Total Credit Hours:18

Professional Education

Students choose six hours graduate-level education courses that align with their professional growth plan. The student's advisor and department chair must approve the courses.
Total Credit Hours:6

Academic Support

Students chooses six hours graduate-level academic support (content) courses that align with their professional growth plan. The student's advisor and department chair must approve the courses.
Total Credit Hours:6
Courses from Professional Education and Academic Support must align with candidate's professional growth and career goals.

Total Credit Hours: 30