Graduate School Administration

The Director

The Director of the Graduate School is responsible for executing policies and regulations governing graduate study.

The University Graduate Committee

The University Graduate Committee consists of two members selected from the graduate faculty of each of the four colleges, four graduate students, a member of the professional library staff, the registrar, and the director of the Graduate School or designee serving as chairperson. The committee recommends policies and regulations pertaining to graduate study; advises the Director of the Graduate School regarding the execution of these policies; and approves and reviews graduate programs, faculty and courses.


When the graduate student is admitted to a program, an advisor from the graduate faculty is appointed. The advisor counsels the student in preparing and completing the program of graduate study. The student should consult the advisor concerning any problems that may arise in connection with his or her work.

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the graduate student to become thoroughly informed about the general regulations for graduate study and the specific program of study requirements as stated in this catalog. The graduate student is expected to meet regularly with the assigned advisor to plan the graduate program. If there is a question about the assigned advisor, the student should contact the Graduate School at 606-783-2039.

The graduate student is also responsible for completing all program requirements. A plea of ignorance of the rules in requesting a waiver of the general regulations or program requirements, as stated in this catalog, will not be accepted. If an exception is made based upon extenuating circumstances, the request must be approved by the Director of the Graduate School and/or the graduate committee.