Academic Bankruptcy

To create an opportunity for graduate students with an unacceptable grade point average to drop one semester's work from consideration for University academic program requirements. The requirements for eligibility and the operational procedures follow. 

Specific Conditions of Academic Bankruptcy 

 The specific conditions governing the implementation of the policy on academic bankruptcy are considered as addenda to the policy statement. 

  1. The graduate student who applies for and is granted bankruptcy forfeits credit for all courses in the bankrupt semester. The grades and credit hours earned during that semester are disregarded for University graduate program requirements. 
  2. Once bankruptcy status has been granted, the decision is irreversible. Bankruptcy can't be used more than once. 
  3. The marks and credit hours earned during the school term in question are considered a part of the student’s permanent record and will be so recorded on the transcript. A notation will be made, however, to indicate the bankruptcy and no work attempted during the term will be considered for any requirements of Morehead State University. 


 Only hours attempted at Morehead State University are considered for bankruptcy; transfer hours are excluded. The requirements for academic bankruptcy are: 

  1. The student must apply for bankruptcy before completing the graduate program at the University. 
  2. The student must have attempted a minimum of six semester hours at the University. 


To apply for academic bankruptcy, the student obtains an Academic Bankruptcy form in the Graduate School. The student is required to meet with the appropriate academic advisor or department chair/associate dean for review of the student’s petition for Academic Bankruptcy. 

  1. The student will initiate action by presenting a completed application form requesting academic bankruptcy status for a specified term to the advisor or department chair/associate dean. 
  2. This form, signed by the advisor or department chair/associate dean, will be delivered to the Graduate School for verification of eligibility. 
  3. The Office of the Registrar notifies the petitioning student, advisor or department chair/associate dean by email regarding eligibility. 
  4. The petitioning student, upon notification that the request to bankrupt has been denied, has the right to appeal. Appeals of the eligibility ruling are made through the Director of the Graduate School.