Wellness Promotion – Master of Arts


E. Ash, J. Dearden, G. Gonzalez, M. Probst (Chair)

The Master of Arts in Wellness Promotion is an online program. It is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop and demonstrate the expertise and research skills that are necessary to enable them to make independent professional contributions in their chosen specializations. The Master of Arts in Wellness Promotion is designed and administered as an online program.

Admission Requirements

  1. General admission to graduate study (for criteria, refer to "Admission to Graduate Study"), including a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75.
  2. Completion of an appropriate undergraduate major is required for unconditional admission to the program and selected concentration (exercise science, exercise physiology, health promotion, health or physical education). Candidates with an undergraduate degree in another area(s) may submit a transcript to the department for consideration. The appropriate faculty will make an admission status recommendation, and when appropriate, include a list of undergraduate prerequisites that must be successfully completed prior to unconditional admission.

Program Competencies

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the methodology and significance of research, the ability to apply various research methods techniques, as well as the ability to design, analyze and conduct research.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the dimensions of wellness and its impact on lifestyle and quality of life.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of current practices, content, and theories associated with the disciplines of kinesiology and their application in wellness programming.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to perform various fitness tests and develop exercise programming for apparently healthy and special populations.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of epidemiology.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to utilize principles of worksite wellness to develop successful programs.


Candidates must pass a comprehensive, written examination with a score of 70 percent or better. The examination should be taken in the last semester of completing coursework and at a distinct location and planned time. It will be given online and must be proctored at an approved site such as the MSU Testing Center or by one of the departmental graduate faculty. Students must request to be added to the Blackboard site where they will also have access to a study guide.

  1. Candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to take the examination.
  2. A candidate may have three attempts to pass the exam with no less than 14 days between attempts.
  3. A candidate who does not pass the examination within three attempts will be dismissed from the program.
  4. Failure to take a scheduled exam will result as an attempt, unless the candidate has formally applied to withdraw from the exam before the start of the examination.

Requirements for the Degree

  1. Satisfy general degree requirements.
  2. Complete all program courses, including electives and/or research.
  3. Pass a written comprehensive examination over the program content.
  4. Have an exit GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  5. Must be unconditionally admitted.

Program Requirements

Core Requirements

HLTH 614Principles of Epidemiology


HPS 600Research Methods in Kinesiology and Health


HPS 601Interpretation of Data


HPS 610Readings and Graduate Seminar


HWHP 602Wellness Promotion


HWHP 609Applied Exercise Physiology


HWHP 612Managing Worksite Wellness


HWHP 651Advanced Exercise Prescription


Total Credit Hours:24

Additional Requirements

Choose one of the following three options:

Option 1:

HWHP 670Directed Research





Total Credit Hours:6

Option 2:

Six hours of graduate electives from HPS, HWHP, and HLTH or outside of the department as approved by the advisor/chair.

HLTH, HPS, HWHP Electives(Take six hours from KHIS prefixes)


Total Credit Hours:6

Option 3:

HWHP 699Thesis


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 30