Marking System and Scholastic Points

The evaluation of the academic work of undergraduate students is indicated by letters as follows:

A Excellent — Valued at four quality points per semester hour.
B Good — Valued at three quality points per semester hour.
C Average — Valued at two quality points per semester hour.
D Below average — Valued at one quality point per semester hour.
E Failure — No semester hours earned and no quality points. This grade is given to a student who completed the course and earned a failing grade.
I Incomplete — Given only when, because of extenuating circumstances, the student cannot complete course requirements by the end of the term, but probably can do so if given an extension by one-half semester. If the course requirements are not completed by midterm of the next semester, the "I" will be changed to a failing grade. See UAR 108 for additional information.
IP In progress — May only be assigned to 670 (Directed Research), 699 (Thesis) or 676 (Directed Study) Courses.
K Credit, pass-fail course — Semester hours earned; no quality points; not computed in GPA. This grade is given when a student passes a pass-fail course.
N Failure, pass-fail course — No quality points; computed in GPA and used in undergraduate grading only.
P Withdrew from school passing — Not computed in GPA.
F Withdrew from school failing — Computed in GPA as credits attempted.
R Course repeated — Replaces original grade for repeated course; not computed in GPA.
Unofficial withdrawal — Computed as credits attempted; computed as zero quality points in GPA calculation. Given to a student who stopped attending the course, did not complete the course and did not officially withdraw from the course.
W Withdrew officially — No hours attempted; not computed in GPA.
WY Withdrawal from audit class — Not computed in GPA.
Y Audit credit — No hours attempted; not computed in GPA; not applicable to degree program.

Note: The grades K and N are restricted to students who opt to take a course with a pass-fail option. The pass-fail option is restricted and applicable only to free elective courses or specific courses identified for a major or minor used for competency evaluation (i.e., those courses not required for the area, major, minor or general education requirements).