General Education Program

The general education program provides a foundation of knowledge and skills vital for all students. The curriculum provides students with the attributes needed to participate intelligently and responsibly in the discourses that shape the communities in which they live. General education is more than the acquisition of information or skills for daily life; it transcends the merely factual to raise and engage evaluative and philosophical questions. General education submits the fundamental principles and suppositions of a body of knowledge to inquiry and discussion. It challenges students to uncover and examine the assumption under which they operate. General education aims to form in students a questioning spirit that will continue through their college career and their life as a whole and provide the grounds for development of the kind of people who can secure their own well-being while contributing to their communities, their professions and the world in which they live. Approved Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs) form the foundation for student achievement, curriculum development and program assessment.