Instructional Leadership Ed.S.
Admission Requirements
- General admission to graduate study (for criteria, refer to "Admission to Graduate Study").
- Resume or vita (three-page maximum) documenting the candidate's skills and understanding related to their ability to improve student achievement, leadership and advanced knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
- Two professional recommendations should come from persons in a position to evaluate the applicant's potential for success in the education specialist in instructional leadership program, at least one to be completed by immediate or up-line supervisor familiar with the candidate's leadership ability; one may be completed by a professional colleague or University faculty member.
- A master's degree from an accredited college or university.
- A valid teaching certificate with three years teaching experience.
- Must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA on all graduate work completed.
- Must receive favorable consideration from an admission review committee, which shall be composed of faculty teaching the program and practicing administrators in the public schools.
Program Requirements
Level 1
EDIL 671 | Leading, Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDIL 672 | Inquiry and Student Achievement | 3 |
EDIL 673 | Human Resource Selection and Development | 3 |
EDIL 674 | Developing and Maintaining a Positive School Culture | 3 |
EDIL 675 | School Program Improvement | 3 |
EDIL 677 | School Law and Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDIL 678 | Resource Utilization | 3 |
EDIL 679 | Linking Schools with the Community and External Resources | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 24 |
The following courses are required for completion of the degree and Level II certification in one area:
Level 2 - Principal
EDIL 635 | Understanding Professional Responsibilities of Teacher Leaders | 3 |
EDIL 636 | Mentoring for Improved Results | 3 |
EDIL 638 | Designing and Implementing Professional Development | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 9 |
Level 2 - Supervisor of Instruction
EDSP 630 | Universal Design for Learning | 3 |
| | |
EDEL 627 | Reading in the Elementary School | 3 |
| or | |
EDEL 677 | Literacy in the Content Areas | 3 |
| | |
EDIL 638 | Designing and Implementing Professional Development | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 9 |
Level 2 - Director of Pupil Personnel
EDIL 698 | Seminar for Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services | 3 |
EDGC 665 | Philosophy and Practice of School Counseling | 3 |
EDSP 630 | Universal Design for Learning | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 9 |
Upon the approval of the student's Ed.S. committee, course substitutions may be approved.
Requirements for the Degree
- Be unconditionally admitted to the program.
- Candidates must successfully complete a capstone project in a venue approved by their advisor. The capstone project may include a presentation before a panel of educators, a presentation as a part of an educational conference, or professional development the candidate has written and planned. The capstone project may also include a publication in a peer reviewed professional journal.
- Successfully complete departmentally-developed diversity modules and related field hours within the first 12 hours of the program.
- Candidates must apply for completion at the beginning of the term in which all requirements will be completed. Students can access the completion forms online at or or visit the Graduate School, 701 Ginger Hall, Morehead, KY 40351. The completion form can also be faxed to 606-783-5061.
- Candidates must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
- Successfully complete tests required by EPSB and submit a successful professional portfolio.