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2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog
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Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Business and Technology
College of Education
College of Science
ACCT - Accounting
AGR - Agriculture
ART - Art
ASTR - Astronomy
BIOL - Biology
BIS - Business Information Systems
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
COMM - Communications
CRIM - Criminology
CS - Computer Science
CTE - Career and Technical Education
ECON - Economics
EDAH - Adult and Higher Education
EDD - Educational Leadership Doctorate
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDEL - Elementary Education
EDF - Education Foundations
EDGC - Guidance and Counseling
EDIL - Instructional Leadership
EDMG - Middle Grades Education
EDSE - Secondary Education
EDSL - English Second Language
EDSP - Special Education
EDTC - Educational Technology
EDTL - Education (Teacher Leader)
EDUC - Education Professional
ENG - English
ETM - Engineering and Technology Management
FIN - Finance
FNA - Fine Arts
FRN - French
GEO - Geography
GOVT - Government
HLTH - Health
HPS-Health, Physical Education and Sport Science
HSM - Health Systems Management
HST - History
HWHP-Health, Wellness and Human Performance
IECE - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
IET-Industrial and Engineering Technology
IGEO - Interdisciplinary Geography
IHIS - Interdisciplinary History
ISOC - Interdisciplinary Sociology
ISS - Interdisciplinary Social Sci
ITCD - Computer Aided Design
ITEC - Electricity/Electronics Technology
MATH - Mathematics
MKT - Marketing
MNGT - Management
MUSC - Music Conducting
MUSE - Music Education
MUSG - Music Class Applied
MUSM - Music Ensembles
MUSP - Music Private Applied
MUST - Music Theory
MUSW - Music Research
PA - Public Administration
PHED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PS - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RAPP - Regional Analysis and Public Policy
SCI - Science
SOC - Sociology
SOC 601
SOC 603
SOC 604
SOC 605
SOC 615
SOC 616
SOC 617
SOC 620
SOC 625
SOC 626
SOC 630
SOC 632
SOC 640
SOC 641
SOC 645
SOC 650
SOC 655
SOC 656
SOC 659
SOC 661
SOC 665
SOC 670
SOC 671
SOC 672
SOC 673
SOC 674
SOC 675
SOC 676
SOC 699
SPA - Spanish
SPMT - Sport Management
SSE - Space Science and Engineering
SWK - Social Work
THEA - Theatre
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2016-2017 Graduate Catalog
SOC - Sociology
> 600
SOC 601
Criminology Theory
SOC 603
Appalachian Sociology
SOC 604
SOC 605
Mind, Self and Society
SOC 615
Quantitative Research for the Social Sciences
SOC 616
Family Dynamics
SOC 617
SOC 620
Sociology of Education
SOC 625
SOC 626
SOC 630
Social Inequality
SOC 632
Gender, Religion, and Sexuality
SOC 640
Social Policy in Aging
SOC 641
Issues in Aging
SOC 645
Death and Dying
SOC 650
Social Thought and Theory
SOC 655
Qualitative Research Methods
SOC 656
Organizations in Contemporary Society
SOC 659
Social Change in Appalachia
SOC 661
Sociology of the Law
SOC 665
Environmental Sociology
SOC 670
Directed Research
SOC 671
Introduction to Chemical Dependency Counseling
SOC 672
Alcohol, Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency
SOC 673
Approaches to Chemical Dependency Treatment I
SOC 674
Approaches to Chemical Dependency Treatment II
SOC 675
Practicum in Chemical Dependency
SOC 676
Directed Study
SOC 699