General/Experimental Psychology – Master of Science

The program is designed to prepare students for doctoral level training in various specialty areas of psychology (experimental/thesis) or for direct employment in a variety of settings that require a broad knowledge of behavior combined with behavioral research skills (general/non-thesis). Thesis research specialty areas include cognitive, developmental, learning, perception, physiological, psychopharmacology and social/personality.


The American Psychology Association has not established course or program requirements for M.S. level graduate programs. However, this program does satisfy the requirements of the Council of Applied Master's Programs in Psychology (CAMPP).

Admission Requirements

  1. General admission to graduate study.
  2. Completion of an undergraduate major or minor in psychology or an equivalent course of study which includes course work in experimental design and analysis.
  3. A preferred undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above.
  4. Preferred minimum GRE scores of 151 for verbal reasoning and 148 for quantitative reasoning.
  5. Three letters of recommendation.
  6. Personal statement of career goals.

Students who lack prerequisite courses may be conditionally admitted to the program. Students who do not have a satisfactory GRE score or less than a 3.0 GPA may be admitted if there is sufficient evidence for probability of success in the program.

Program Competencies

Students must:

  1. Be competent in the design, statistical analysis and interpretation of psychological research.
  2. Be competent in written and oral communication skills necessary for presentation of scientific research.
  3. Be competent in the use of computer software packages necessary for data analysis, figure and table production, paper and poster presentations and written reports.
  4. Understand the complexity of human and animal behavior and the influence of psychological, biological and social factors on behavior.
  5. Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in a specialized research area of scientific psychology (experimental psychology - thesis students).
  6. Demonstrate a broad understanding of the principles and methods of core content areas of scientific psychology (general psychology - nonthesis students).


  1. Required course work will provide training necessary for achievement of competencies 1, 2 and 3, and achievement will be measured through comprehensive final examinations, skill utilization in core content courses, directed research, and through written/oral comprehensive exit examinations.
  2. Competencies 4 and 6 will be assessed in individual courses selected and in the written/oral comprehensive exit examinations.
  3. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA with no more than two grades of "C" or below.
  4. Achievement of competency 5 will be assessed through the production and defense of the thesis.
  5. Achievement of program goals will be determined by graduate school acceptance rates and professional employment placement.

Program Requirements - Experimental Psychology: Thesis

Required Core

PSY 612Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis I


PSY 613Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis II


Total Credit Hours:6


PSY 699Thesis


Total Credit Hours:6

Area Electives

600-level courses approved by advisor and department chair with no more than nine credit hours in PSY 670, PSY 676 and/or PSY 690

Total Credit Hours:21

Program Requirements - General Psychology: Nonthesis

Required Core

PSY 612Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis I


PSY 613Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis II


PSY 690Psychological Research


Total Credit Hours:9

Area Requirements

Choose 18 hours from the following:

PSY 677Seminar in Developmental Research


PSY 684Sensation and Perception


PSY 621Advanced Physiological Psychology


PSY 633Personality Theory


PSY 634Learning Theory


PSY 636Seminar in Cognitive Psychology


PSY 654Seminar in Social Psychology


Total Credit Hours:18


600-level courses approved by advisor and department chair.

Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 33