Adult and Higher Education – Master of Arts

The Adult and Higher Education graduate program is designed to develop the capacity of individuals to plan, organize and carry through a variety of education and service programs to meet adult learners' needs in postsecondary and adult continuing education institutions. The program is flexible insofar as students may plan their programs for preparation in teaching, administration, student personnel, or developmental studies. This program is not approved for rank change for public school teachers.

Admission Requirements

  1. General admission to graduate study.
  2. Two years of relevant professional experience is advisable.
  3. A GRE score of 283 (verbal and quantitative combined) with a minimum verbal score of 145 or a 31 raw score (381-386 Scaled Score) on the Miller Analogies Test is required.
    1. Those not meeting the initially required GRE or MAT scores may alternately be admitted with a GRE index (GRE x undergraduate GPA) of at least 764 or MAT index (MAT scaled x undergraduate GPA) of at least 1,030, so long as the index results do not conflict with general graduate admission requirements.
    2. For students who have not met the testing requirements for admission into the program, but who have successfully completed nine (9) hours of coursework required for the program with at least a 3.5 or above GPA, the department chair may waive the testing requirement.
    3. The department chair will waive the testing requirement for students who have already completed a master's degree.
  4. TOEFL 525 (197 computer-based) or 74 on English Language Instruction Test of the University of Michigan, for international students.

Program Competencies

  1. Familiarity with adult education and higher education in the United States, including historical development, current purposes, functions and issues in the fields, and general directions for the future (EDAH 644, EDAH 647, EDAH 643 and EDAH 688).
  2. Awareness of adult education as a unique segment of the broad field of education (EDAH 647 and EDAH 688).
  3. Knowledge of the unique physical, psychological and social characteristics of the adult learner and implications for the teaching of adults (EDAH 647, EDAH 650, EDAH 651, EDAH 670, EDAH 676 and EDAH 678).
  4. Knowledge of the basic principles and methods of program/curriculum development and evaluation (EDAH 653).
  5. Familiarity with and understanding of the experimental studies, scientific investigations and theoretical writings pertinent to both higher education and adult learning (EDF 600, EDAH 644, EDAH 647, EDAH 651, 670 and 676).
  6. Understanding of program problems and personnel issues associated with providing instruction in postsecondary institutions for the adult learner (EDAH 643, EDAH 670, EDAH 676 and EDAH 678).
  7. Familiarity with the principles of organization and administration of personnel programs and services in higher education (EDAH 641 and 642).
  8. Understanding of the impact, social and psychological influences, and economic influence of under education on the society and the individual; understanding the needs and design of programs to address literacy problems, developmental education needs, and remediation of adult learners (EDAH 650).
  9. Area expertise to support each student's career (individual area of specialization).


During the final semester of study, all students complete a comprehensive written examination to be assessed by faculty members from Adult and Higher Education and one optional faculty member from the student's specialty area. See #4 listed above under the degree requirements section for more information detailing the exit.

Requirements for the Degree

  1. Satisfy the general degree requirements.
  2. If a student has not become unconditionally admitted after completing 12 graduate hours, he/she will not be allowed to register for additional hours. Must be unconditionally admitted to complete the degree program.
  3. All graduate students pursuing programs of study in the Department of Foundational and Graduate Studies in Education must maintain a 3.0 cumulative graduate GPA. Students falling below a 3.0 will be placed on a one-semester period of probation. Students failing to achieve a cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the probation semester will be dropped from their respective program. Students who receive grades of "C" or below in more than two courses will be immediately dropped from his/her respective program. Any student receiving an "E" in any course will be placed on probation and no additional coursework will be accepted toward the program until the course in question is retaken with a grade of "B" or higher. Only courses in which a student earns a grade of "C" or higher may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
  4. In the final spring or fall semester of the prescribed program of study, and with the consent of the program advisors, students must successfully complete a written comprehensive examination (to be assessed by faculty). Students not passing the examination may retake it near the end of the following semester (at least three months must elapse between exams). If the student does not pass the second written exam, he or she can retake the exam a third and final time near the end of the following semester (after at least three months have elapsed). For this third and final attempt to complete the exam, the student has the option of taking either an oral or written exam. Students not passing the third and final exam attempt will not graduate from the program.
  5. Completion of the following program:

Program Requirements

Required Core

EDAH 644Principles of Higher Education


EDAH 647Principles of Adult Education


EDF 600Research Methods in Education



EDAH 643Seminar in Higher Education



EDAH 688Seminar in Adult Education


Total Credit Hours:12


(nine hours minimum) to be chosen from the following courses or from the community college courses listed as a focus area option

EDAH 641Administrative and Management Issues in Higher Education


EDAH 642Student Personnel in Higher Education


EDAH 650Developmental Education for Adult Students


EDAH 651Human Development in Adulthood


EDAH 653Program/Curriculum Development and Evaluation


EDAH 660Survey of Community College


EDAH 661The Community College Student


EDAH 662Seminar in Community College


EDAH 680Selected Topics


Total Credit Hours:9

EDAH 660, EDAH 661, EDAH 662: Must be taken as a concentration course for those choosing community college as a concentration.


Community College Concentration:

EDAH 660Survey of Community College


EDAH 661The Community College Student


EDAH 662Seminar in Community College


Total Credit Hours:9

or other concentrations as approved by advisor.

The concentration, preparing the student for their chosen career, may be from courses in any one of several disciplines. For example, students interested in counseling should take courses in the counseling area.

NOTE: Students may write a thesis in lieu of six hours of coursework. Also, with approval, EDAH 670 - Directed Research, EDAH 676 - Directed Study, or EDAH 678 - Internship, may be substituted for up to six-hours of elective coursework. The program is designed to be completed in a minimum of 30 semester hours, but based on student need, additional credit hours may be required.

Total Credit Hours: 30