Career and Technical School Principal

Admission Requirements

  1. General admission to graduate study.
  2. Satisfy one of the following:
    1. A minimum score of 285 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE and a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA in major field
    2. GRE (verbal & quantitative) x GPA = 855
  3. Holds a valid 5- or 10-year teaching certificate for any one of the areas of career and technical education authorized in the Kentucky State Plan for Career and Technical Education.
  4. Completed three years of teaching experience in career and technical education.

Program Requirements

  1. Must be unconditionally admitted.
  2. The program must be planned with the student's advisor.
  3. Complete appropriate EPSB testing requirements.
  4. 21 credit hours*, consisting of the following courses:


CTE 650Organization and Administration of CTE


CTE 640Administration and Supervision of CTE


CTE 630Evaluation Techniques


CTE 698Career Guidance and Development


CTE 660Trends and Issues in CTE


EDIL 618School Finance and Support Services


EDIL 628School Law and Ethics


These hours may be completed as part of the program leading to a Master of Science in Career and Technical Education.

Total Credit Hours: 21

For individuals who meet program admission requirements, who complete the approved program of preparation and who comply with the testing requirements as specified under KRS 161.027, a certificate of eligibility will be issued valid for four years.