MTNA Program Requirements
In order to provide specialized musical instruction to individuals pursuing a career as full- or part-time studio teachers, MSU offers course work leading to the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Certificate at two levels: Associate and Professional. By offering courses in this curriculum, MSU endorses and supports a major MTNA mandate "that professional studio teaching is a worthwhile career, and as such, deserves to be accountable by a regulatory agency."
After completing the program, the candidate must present a teaching and performing demonstration before a jury chosen by the MTNA National Certificate chairperson. This program leads to MTNA professional certification. No credential is granted by MSU.
MTNA Associate Certificate
MTNA Professional Certificate
NOTE: MUSP 2XX/MUSP 4XX: Enroll in the course appropriate to the results of the placement audition, Private Applied instrument area, upper-division assessment and class standing. Private Applied in the principal instrument requires a performance examination before a jury of faculty members in their principal applied area at the end of each semester.