Career and Technical Education - Rank I Program
Admission Requirements
- Must hold a master's degree from an accredited college or university, or have completed a fifth-year program.
- Must possess a valid teaching certificate.
Program Requirements
- The program must be planned with the student's advisor.
- A minimum of 60 graduate credit hours including the master's degree or the fifth-year plus 30 hours.
- A GPA of 3.0 or better in all work offered for the program. No credit is accepted on grades lower than "C."
- A minimum of 30 hours (of total 60) in courses open only to graduate students.
- Up to nine credit hours (of the last 30) may be earned at another accredited institution.
- Credit earned by correspondence shall not apply toward the Rank I program.
- Student must meet University exit assessment criteria.
- Must be unconditionally admitted.
The minimum of 60 graduate credit hours, including the master's degree, must conform to the following area distribution:
The program must be planned with the student's advisor on check sheets available in the department.
Total Credit Hours: 60