Foundational and Graduate Studies in Education
Chris Miller, Chair
503 Ginger Hall
L. Aagaard, V. Ballestero, D. Barnett, C. Beckham, C. Christian, T. Conner, R. Hughes, B. Klecker, C. Miller (Chair), L. Nabb, D. Privott, M. Shavers, T. Simpson, R. Skidmore, L. Spradlin, W. Staley, F. Tan, J. Templeton, W. Willis, S. Wright
Master of Arts in Adult and Higher Education
Master of Arts in Counseling
Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader
Master of Arts in Education - Educational Technology
Specialist in Education - Ed.S (Curriculum and Instruction, Adult and Higher Education, Counseling and Instructional Leadership)
Doctorate in Education - Ed.D (Adult and Higher Education Leadership, P-12 Administrative Leadership and Educational Technology Leadership)
Non-degree Programs
Instructional Computer Technology
English as a Second Language Endorsement
Rank I Programs (Counseling, Educational Technology, Special Education, Elementary and Secondary Education)
Leadership Certification Programs
Director of Pupil Personnel Services (See Ed.S in Instructional Leadership)
Director of Special Education
Supervisor of Instruction (See Ed.S in Instructional Leadership)
School Superintendent